Adding a Supported User

Adding a Supported User to a Household

  1. Download the WellBe Virtual Assistant App from the app store onto your mobile phone
  2. Log in to the administrator's account on the WellBe Virtual Assistant App
  3. In the menu (top left hand corner with 3 bars) select “Households and Members”
  4. Tap on the Household that you want the new user to be added into
  5. Click “Add User” at the bottom of the screen

  6. Determine if this user will be an Administrator, Care Administrator, Standard User, or a Supported User. Read the description and check off the additional permissions that you wish to give to this user. Press "Add User" to move to next screen. 

  7. Input the following data for the new user: First Name, Last Name, Email, and Mobile Phone Number. Once this information is entered, press “Invite.”

  8. An email invitation will be sent to this user’s email address with a six-letter invitation code
  9. Go back to the WellBe Virtual Assistant App, sign out of the administrator's account, click on “Create Account”
  10. Click Yes when asked, “Did you get an invitation email or text message from HandsFree Health with a six-letter invitation code?”

  11. Enter the six-letter invitation code that was sent to the new user’s email, click “Continue”
  12. Enter the following information for the device user: First Name, Last Name, Nickname (optional), Date of Birth, Gender, create a username and create a password
    1. The username must contain 6 to 18 alpha-numeric characters
    2. The password must be at least 8 characters and include 3 of the following
      1. 1 uppercase character
      2. 1 lowercase character
      3. 1 number
      4. 1 special character (# ? ! @ $ % ^ & * -)
    3. Click “Continue”
  13. Enter the following information for the device user: Email, Mobile Number, Reminder Color, 4-digit PIN, Time Zone (If setting up for multiple users, reminder color and PIN must be different)
  14. Review and then check the boxes to agree to “Accept Terms of Service” and “Accept Privacy Policy”
  15. Click “Submit” to move to the next step
  16. A page will appear that includes an overview of the user's information. Review this information to make sure that everything is correct, once the information is checked, click “Create Account”
  17. Log back into the administrator's account. Go to “Settings”, then “Households”, click the household that you are adding the new user into

  18. Go to “Invitations”, click on the new user you would like to add, press “Approve”

  19. Log back into the new users account in order to finish the user’s profile, press “Complete Profile” at the bottom of the screen

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