Adding a User to a Household

Part 1

  1. From the WellBe Virtual Assistant App navigate to Menu > Households and Members
  2. Select the Household you would like to add the user to.

  3. Click “Add User”

  4. Select the type of user from the list. (you can read a description of the user type by clicking on the name)
    1. Administrator- Uses the app to add and delete users. For example, a person responsible for adding and deleting users from a household using the app BUT won't be using the WellBe device for themselves.
    2. Care Administrator- Uses the app to manage someone else's information. For example, a person that needs to set up appointments and medications for someone else BUT won't be using the WellBe device for themselves. 
    3. Standard User- Uses the app and WellBe device to manage their own information. For example, a person in a household using a WellBe device that won't be adding and deleting other users. 
    4. Supported User-Doesn't use the app- has their information management by someone else. May or may not use WellBe device. For example, a child or adult user that has mediation appointments, or other reminders that another user will manage. Notifications and reminders will be sent to the other user (often a parent or care administrator). 
  5. Select the user type and check any permissions you wish to enable.

  6. Click “Add User”
    1. If you selected Supported User you will continue on to set up their account from here. 
  7. Enter name, email and phone number
  8. Click “Invite”
  9. You will now see a red number next to Invitations in the Household screen. You can use this tab to manage pending invitations.

Part 2

  1. The new user will receive an email with the invitation code
  2. If the new user has not already done so they can download the WellBe Virtual Assistant App. 
  3. When they open the app they should select “Create New Account”
  4. Click “Yes” when asked if you received an Invitation Code

  5. Enter the Invitation Code
  6. User will create their account - * Note you will have to authorize user before they can access the full application functionality.

Part 3

  1. To approve the invitation the Administrator should navigate back to Menu > Settings > Households
  2. Select the applicable household
  3. Select the Invitations Tab
  4. Select the user you wish to approve
  5. Click the "Approve" button
  6. The user has now been successfully approved! 

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