Set Up WellBe Smart Speaker via Bluetooth

Bluetooth Device Setup

You can set up WellBe using Bluetooth. You'll need your WellBe smart speaker and an Android or iOS device with the WellBe Virtual Assistant App and Bluetooth connectivity. 


  1. Use the supplied power cord to plug the WellBe device into an outlet.
  2. Press and hold the power button for 3 seconds until lights come on. (WellBe will take around 1 minute to turn on).
  3. Download the Wellbe Virtual Assistant App from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
  4. Turn on Bluetooth on your Android or iOS device and make sure you aren't connected to another device (like headphones or another speaker).
  5. Create an account with the WellBe Virtual Assistant App
  6. On the screen that asks for an activation code for your WellBe device tap the "Set Up Using Bluetooth" button.
  7. Once your WellBe device has turned on and is displaying a solid red light, tap the action button (looks like a lightning bolt) on the top of the device. WellBe will say "Bluetooth is on." 
  8. Follow the on-screen instructions on the WellBe Virtual Assistant App that will guide you through the rest of the setup process. 
  9. WellBe will confirm the device is registered and restart automatically (restart takes up to 1 minute).
  10. WellBe will greet you with a "Hello" when ready to use.

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